Black on Earth

Black on Earth is an innovative and thought-provoking interdisciplinary project that seamlessly integrates Dance, Agriculture, and Technology (D.A.T.) to explore the stories and experiences of Black farmers. is a powerful artistic endeavor that illuminates Black farmers' resilience, wisdom, and cultural heritage while addressing the urgent issues of food justice and sustainable farming practices. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, the project incorporates immersive audiovisual elements that transport the audience into the world of Black farmers. Through media design, haptic technology, soundscapes, and interactive elements, the audience is immersed in the sights, sounds, and stories of agricultural landscapes, fostering a deeper understanding and empathy for the challenges and triumphs faced by Black farmers.

Photo by: Ian Douglas

Photo by: Ian Douglas

Photo by: Ian Douglas

Photo by: Ian Douglas


Music by: Okwui Okpokwasili, Follow Me; Queen Drea; Davine Green

Costumes: Celeste Malvar-Stewart and Tracy Powell

Choreographers/Directors: Orlando & Ricarrdo Hunter-Valentine

Dancers: In collaboration with Kenneth Eaddy, Isaiah Harris, MFA*, A. Raheim White, MFA, and Kierra ‘Kiki’ Williams

Projection Design: Lexi Clark-Stilianos

Lighting Designer: Niasha Whitfield

Haptic and Immersive Audio Design: Jessica Raijko 

  • Black on Earth is made possible by The Ohio State University’s 2023–2024 Dance Preservation

  • Fund and Alumni Grants for Graduate Research and Scholarship (AGGRS).

  • Black on Earth is made possible by the Greater Columbus Arts Council’s 2023 Project Support

  • and 2024 Funds for Artists.